So I thought I'd write something deep today. There is something I have been noticing lately that has been bothering me. The nature of romantic relationships in our generation. This may be a little controversial and I'm sure there are a ton of you who don't agree with me, but it needs to be said. I absolutely
hateee it when I'm on
facebook and I read a status (usually by a teenage girl) that says something along the lines of "I love you (insert name) you are my everything and I would be lost without you". Now at first glance you may think, '
aww its just teenage infatuation, it's a stage we all went through', but it runs deeper than that. Sure as these girls get older they may not proclaim their undying love on
facebook, but they are still under the impression that they would be happy, if only they had a man. A boyfriend/husband would take away the loneliness in their lives and that the greatest kind of love/relationship is between a man and woman. Well I'm hear to tell you that is wrong. Of course marraige is an amazing thing, created by God, but the greatest love you can have, the greatest love you
already have is the love that God is giving you. Right now. At this very moment. It doesn't matter who you are, what you've done or even if you
believe in Him. He loves you. With a perfect love. He loves you more than anyone on this whole Earth ever will- yes even including your parents. How do we know that? Because He died for us. He came down to Earth as Jesus Christ, fully human yet fully God. He faced the same temptations as us, he suffered like us, and he was identical to us except for one thing- He never sinned, He led a perfect life. And because He loved us "He forsook the comfort of Heaven" and
bore the full weight of our sins. He was
humiliated, mocked and tortured, He was separated from God- all because He loved us and He wanted to have a relationship with us. Now why can't we make that love the center of our lives instead of the love of a man/woman? Men and women are only human, we let each other down all the time. I know I have. There is a need inside of everyone to be loved, to be validated, and nothing/no one will fill that hole completely. Only God will. If you think He doesn't understand what you are going through, you are wrong. He was tempted like us, He was hated like us, He faced death like us. He is not a distant, uncaring God. He is a God who loved His people so much, with such fervor that He lowered Himself to our level, He dwelt with us in this Hell-hole called Earth, simply so He could save us. I would be lost without my boyfriend? No, God is my everything and I would be lost without HIM.
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