Sunday, November 14, 2010
My take on relationships

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010

So I haven't posted on this thing in FOREVER!!! I was too busy doing...stuff. Actually thats a lie, I've pretty much been doing what I always do and I'm not going to go into details, because the people that read this are with me for the majority of the day... and night lol.
Anyways I couldn't think of what to write, so I decided to make a short list of 7 traits/things that I value in people.
These aren't in any particular order:
1. I love it when people love God. I think thats self explanatory
2. I love it when people are really outgoing and friendly. I'm more on the quiet side so when we hang out it makes for a nice balance.
3. This only applys to guys: but I looooove it when guys do nice things like hold the door open for girls. It's nice to know that chivalry is not dead
4. I like it when people are open about they're feelings. It makes me feel valued when people talk to me about stuff going on in their lives.
5. I love it when people are close to their families.
6. I like it when people are humble. Arrogance (in the real sense, not in a joking way) is really unflattering.
7. Lastly, I love it when people are generous.
Well that's it. Feel free to continue this list!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Once again, I really don't have much to write about so I guess I'll just talk about my week and how it's been. This week was considerably better than last week, school-wise at least. I learned something new: that for the majority of my life I have been spelling tomorrow wrong. Thanks to Ansari and his mastery of the English language I now know that it is NOT spelled tomarrow....even though it sounds that way. I am also at the halfway mark of Lent. I had been doing very well until this week. Sadly, I messed up and ate a donut, which turns out, does have milk in it. Next week will be better though.
This weekend, Anisah has a bunch of friends coming here, and Lynsey has Raj over. We all went together to Belle Isle to watch the sunset. It was so pretty! I love the river, actually I just love water in general. I like the sound it makes and the way it moves over rocks in a river, or when the waves crash onto the shores of the beach. It's hypnotizing.
I remember during my second to last week in Costa Rica I decided to travel solo to see some of the country and ended up staying at this lodge in the rain forest at Corcovado. I only stayed for 2 days but it was amazing! I had met some people the first day, but on the second day I was by myself so I decided to go down to the beach (this is it, on the left). I had the entire thing to myself! You'd think it'd be boring with no one around, but I loved it. I felt like I was reconnecting with myself and with nature. I didn't have to worry about other people and if they were enjoying themselves, or if they wanted to do something else. I could just relax, be myself and enjoy God's creation. I sat for hours, just watching the waves crash onto the shore. It was nice to be able to get away from everything, even if only for a day.
Speaking of traveling, somehow while driving back from Best Buy, Audrey and I ended up on the road to the Richmond Airport. Every time I drive past an airport, it makes me want to go somewhere really bad...reallyyyyy bad. It's been about 9 months since I've gone somewhere, and I'm starting to get itchy feet.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010